Nine Months in Peking
This digital archive is an attempt to catalogue, investigate, and understand the US military occupation of parts of Beijing (Peking) from August 1900 to May 1901. Following the end of major hostilities in the Boxer Rebellion, US troops remained in northern China to reestablish order and protect the lives of American diplomats and missionaries and Chinese Christians. This largely-forgotten occupation provides a greater understanding of the long history of Sino-American relations and this archive aims to gather many of the disparate sources into one, easy-to-access location. 

- Josh Downes  December 7th 2023

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Wilson Scan 7.pdf

General Orders of the 1st Brigade, China Relief Expedition

This copy of orders, directed by General James H. Wilson and recorded by his adjutant 1LT Charles Rhodes provides guidance for the US troops occupying…


Menu for Formal Dinner at the US Headquarters in Peking

This menu, given to British General Alfred Gaselee, is for a formal dinner held for senior allied officers at the US Headquarters in Peking. It shows…


Invitation and Plan for the Memorial Parade to Queen Victoria

This invitation and layout of the parade was given to the US forces in China for the memorial service following the death of Queen Victoria in…

Military Order of the Dragon.pdf

Letter and Induction Certificate into the Military Order of the Dragon

This letter and attached certificate were presented to British Lieutenant Colonel Robert Francis Gartside-Tipping of the 1st Bengal Lancers inducting…

Badachu Expedition.pdf

Official Report of the Expedition to Badachu

This official report by BG James H. Wilson gives an account of the expedition to Badachu (Eight Great Pagodas), near Peking. In one of the few…

Courtyard of the Forbidden City

Courtyard of the Forbidden City

Taken at some point during the occupation of Peking, this image of an entry courtyard to the Forbidden City shows the disrepair and overgrown nature…

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